Silver & Objects of Vertu

Silver is one of Stamford Auction Rooms’ biggest departments, selling thousands of pieces every year, with high prices being achieved across the board. Demand at auction for silver has been driven upward by a combination of high overall precious metal prices and the continued appeal for interesting and well made antique items and objects, whether they are small pieces such as silver caddy spoons, to large and impressive candleabras. 

A typical fine silver auction can include pieces dating from the 16th century to the present day, with traditional English antique silver as well as silver from all over the world. Objects of Vertu covers a wide collecting area and includes items such as decanter labels, nutmeg graters, card cases, vinaigrettes and collectors' boxes to name a few.

We remind people that when it comes to selling silver, it is not just about the 'scrap' value / intrinsic silver value, there are many factors that contribute to the overall hammer price, such as the age of the piece, the provenance, the maker and the condition. 

To illustrate this, below are three tankards that achieved different hammer prices, even though they weighed roughly the same:

A large Continental white metal tankard and cover, of slightly tapered cylindrical form, with banding to belly and base, with gadrooned rim, beaded handle and foot acanthus leaf thumb piece. Sold for £6,200

A George III silver presentation tankard and cover, awarded by 'Rutland Agricultural Society, November 30th 1859', 'Presented by Lord Aveland to C. J. Bradshaw, Burley, for the best Three Long Woolled Fat Wether Sheep, open to all England', the whole with chased and repouse rococo decoration, the domed lid with scrolled shell and acanthus thumb-plate to the handle with heart shaped terminal, London 1809, John Lambe. Sold for £1,500.

A Walker and Hall silver pint tankard, of simple Art Deco tapered cylindrical form, with reeded decoration to the base pattern number 53487, Sheffield 1937. Sold for £200.



Silver jewellery is ever popular, and therefore very saleable. Value is very much dependant on the designer as well as the style, period, and aesthetic. 

A 19th century French silver and green paste articulated bodice brooch pin £440

Edouard Aimé Arnould: an Art Nouveau silver necklace £280




Neils Erik From pair of sterling silver clip on earings in the form of flowerheads

This Danish jeweller and silversmith Niels Erik From ( N.E. From) was born in 1908 and opened his first workshop in 1931 when he was still only twenty-three. Over the next forty years Niels Erik went on to become one one of the greats of Danish design, and created many works including floral-inspired designs often set with semi-precious gemstones. These pieces took inspiration from the Skønvirke style. This was a Scandinavian development that formed part of Denmark’s Art Nouveau and Arts and Crafts movement . This movement ususally took inspiration from nature with designs incorporating flowers and floral motifs as well as featuring natural creatures such as fish.

A David Andersen of Norway silver and enamel brooch, of mid-century design. £440 hammer

A Georg Jensen silver pendant necklace and matching brooch, both of circular form pierced to depict butterflies and bluebells. £320 hammer

A Viggo Pedersen Danish silver bracelet, marked 830 grade silver, composed of stylised leaf links. £150 hammer

A Ruskin pottery and silver brooch. £90 hammer



Chinese silver attracts bidders from all over the world, but dominantly from China itself, and the higher quality pieces such as the examples below achieve strong hammer prices.

A pair of Su Hai Chinese silver limited edition enamelled Kwelin quail boxes £180

A fine 19th century Gorham & Co silver tea set, comprising tea pot, sugar and milk jug, the Chinese influenced design with bamboo style handles, and raised cherry blossom on a decoratively engraved scrolling foliate ground. £1200


Furthermore, private single owner collections also create a buzz in the saleroom, for example a large collection of Dutch silver, including a large selection of vinaigrettes that came to us all the way from Holland did exceptionally well for our seller, and here are a few examples from that collection:

A Dutch silver tea canister £160, an early 20th century Dutch silver tobacco box of book form £120, A Dutch silver trinket box and salt £60, a Dutch silver and glass jar £170



If you would like to sell anything with us, we can advise on current market value and most importantly, help you achieve the best possible results by accessing our world-wide database of collectors, enthusiasts and dealers. 

Contact us for a free valuation via email or alternatively you can arrange to meet a specialist at our offices or at your home, email call us on 01780 411485 and speak to one of the team.  

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